Organizational Well-being of Black Arts Organizations in Virginia

Authors:Jones-Lewis, Sherica, PV-KI-Equity CenterUniversity of Virginia Harris, Jessica, PV-KI-Equity CenterUniversity of Virginia

This research paper investigates the intricate dynamics of organizational well-being within Black arts organizations in Virginia. Specifically, this study highlights the Elegba Folklore Society, the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, and the Tidewater African Cultural Alliance. These organizations, deeply rooted in their communities, play a pivotal role in preserving and celebrating cultural heritage.

The purpose of this research is to uncover the multifaceted landscape of organizational well-being in Black arts organizations. By delving into their unique challenges, priorities, and mechanisms, we aim to provide insights that can inform and support these organizations, as well as contribute to a broader understanding of how to bolster organizational health.

Utilizing a qualitative approach, we conducted interviews, focus groups, site visits, and document reviews. Data analysis involved inductive and deductive coding, allowing us to extract key themes and codes. Themes emerged through iterative processes, shedding light on the complex dynamics of these organizations’ well-being.

Findings centered on how the organizations were defining organizational well-being, which included mission alignment, joy, and community embeddedness. Additionally, the mechanisms for remembering, fortifying, and advancing well-being include some traditional approaches such as checks for fiscal solvency, regular reporting (annual, bi-annual, and quarterly), and a focus on the audience/patron experience.

This paper concludes with recommendations to enhance the sustainability and growth of these organizations, including the formation of support networks, implementing "planned pauses," heightened focus on organizational wellness, and reevaluating funding structures.

Keywords: Organizational well-being, Black arts organizations, cultural heritage, community embeddedness, Virginia

Organizational well-being, Black arts organizations, cultual heritage, community embeddedness, Virginia
University of Virginia
Published Date:
October 2023
Sponsoring Agency:
The UVA Democracy Initiative Center for the Redress of Inequity Through Community-Engaged Scholarship