Scanning and Reconstruction for Dynamic Surfaces

Authors:Dale, Kevin, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia CheslackPostava, Ewen, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia Humphreys, Greg, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia Luebke, David, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia

We present a novel 3D scanning system with the potential for interactive acquisition and visualiza- tion of dynamic scenes. Our system uses a spatio- temporally adaptive sampling strategy, and can take advantage of multiple simultaneous scanning devices operating at different resolutions. We also employ a level set framework for reconstructing potentially dynamic scenes from multiple concurrent streams of range data. In our framework, implicit surfaces are reconstructed periodically from new samples on a coarse grid, creating a sequence of reconstructions from disjoint sample sets that is used to estimate mo- tion in the scene. A high-resolution reconstruction proceeds alongside, where the surface is evolved by a convective flow that guides it towards the sample set. We employ a spatially-varying distance metric based on our motion estimate that adaptively con- trols the contribution of older samples to the final reconstruction.

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Source Citation:

Dale, Kevin, Ewen CheslackPostava, Greg Humphreys, and David Luebke. "Scanning and Reconstruction for Dynamic Surfaces." University of Virginia Dept. of Computer Science Tech Report (2006).

University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
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