Alloyed Branch History: Combining Global and Local Branch History for Robust Performance

Authors:Lu, Zhijian, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia Lach, John, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia Stan, Mircea, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia Skadron, Kevin, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia

This paper introduces “alloyed” prediction, a new two-level predictor organization that combines global and local history in the same structure, combining the advantages of two-level predictors and hybrid predictors. The alloyed organization is motivated by measurements showing that “wrong-history mispredictions” are even more important than conflict-induced mispredictions. Wrong-history mispredictions arise because current two-level, history-based predictors provide only global or only local history. The contribution of wrong-history to the overall misprediction rate is substantial because most programs have some branches that require global history and others that require local history. This paper explores several ways to implement alloyed prediction, including the previously proposed bi-mode organization. Simulations show that “mshare” is the best alloyed organization among those we examine, and that mshare gives reliably good prediction compared to bimodal (“two-bit”), two-level, and hybrid predictors. The robust performance of alloying across a range of predictor sizes stems from its ability to attack wrong-history mispredictions at even very small sizes without subdividing the branch predictor into smaller and less effective components.

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Source Citation:

Lu, Zhijian, John Lach, Mircea Stan, and Kevin Skadron. "Alloyed Branch History: Combining Global and Local Branch History for Robust Performance." University of Virginia Dept. of Computer Science Tech Report (2002).

University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
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