Report: Early Childhood Mapping Project 2018

Authors:McClintock, CharlotteUniversity of Virginia Gaba, Naomi, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia Thompson, Julia, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia Coughlin, Isabel, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia Li, Yue, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia Cherry, Margaret, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia Moser, Caitlen, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia Madray, Cristalle, Public HealthUniversity of Virginia

This project aims to create a base map of services available in Charlottesville and Albemarle County for children ages 0-5 living in low-income families, at or below 200% of the federal poverty line. As a team, we inventoried child care, early childhood education, health, nutrition, special education, home visiting, and foster care prevention services available to low-income families. While we were not able to map every single service available to families in Charlottesville and Albemarle County, we feel as though we were able to paint a broad picture of the area’s early childhood landscape for the use of the Early Childhood Funders Network. Our research led us to identify access and affordability of services, the importance of trust between clients and service providers, culturally relevant services, the intersectionality of need for low income families, scarcity and capacity of resources, limited data and outcome measurement capacity, and lack of coordination between service providers as the major gaps in the Charlottesville-Albemarle early childhood landscape.

early childhood, community research, charlottesville, childcare, pediatric health, policy, maternal health, nutrition, home visiting, special education, prevention of child abuse and neglect
Contributor:Hatcher, Holly, BA-Frank Batten SchoolUniversity of Virginia
University of Virginia
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